Photograph Courtesy of Charlie Phillips
What We Do
As the local coastal partnership for the Moray Firth and its 800kms of coastline, we are involved with a wide variety of issues, projects, and stakeholders. Our unique overview of the Moray Firth, its communities and businesses, allows us the privilege to work with a great range of people and ideas.
Our current work includes:
Marine and coastal litter – as one of the main threats to all the world’s oceans, litter and pollution is as prevalent an issue in and around the Moray Firth as anywhere. We are working with several local and national groups to understand and tackle the problem strategically and collaboratively. Please visit our marine litter pages to learn more and, hopefully, get involved!
Regional Marine Planning – The National Marine Plan for Scotland 2015 is in the process of being updated, and we are working alongside the Marine Directorate, statutory authorities, key stakeholders and the appropriate industrial sector representatives on the development of National Marine Plan 2, as well as participating in the new Regional Marine Planning forum due to start in Spring 2024.
SAC Management Group – the Partnership provides secretariat support to the Moray Firth Special Area of Conservation Management Group, which comprises all statutory bodies with responsibilities within the MF SAC.
The original Management Scheme for the MFSACMG dates back to 2016, and is in the process of being updated in line with new legislation and ongoing developments within the SAC area.
See NatureScot's Conservation and Management Advice-
Sector partners
We take every opportunity to work closely with all other local coastal partnerships (LCPs) in Scotland to develop innovative solutions to project and funding challenges that we share.
Solway Firth Partnership / Forth Estuary Forum / East Grampian Partnership / Tay Estuary Forum / Clyde Marine Planning Partnership
(formerly Clyde Forum).
All LCPs are members of the Scottish Coastal Forum, which is the umbrella body for the sector.